Safe & Sustainable Studio Price (#6)

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own.

Hey Reader!

Isn't it easy to get caught up in the shoulds of life?

  • You should hustle more.
  • You should have at least five New Year's resolutions.
  • You should make $X by the time you're XX.
  • You should own and not rent.

The list goes on and on.

Some are self-inflicted. Some are created by society. Some are imposed on us by friends and family.

While not all shoulds are inherently bad, they often fail to account for our inherent uniqueness.

They assume generalities outweigh individualities.

Rather than be caught up in stereotypical shoulds, what if we were to find goals/timelines that create mental and physical well-being for us?

  • Maybe our focus should be on contentment rather than hustle.
  • Maybe two well-defined New Year's resolutions fit our aspirations better.
  • Maybe we don't need $X to enjoy our life and live within our means.
  • Maybe renting is a smarter choice in our current situation.

What's one should you've internalized that doesn't fit who you are? How might you change that expectation to better fit your aspirations?

With that being said (a terrible transition - I know), here are some articles and a book I found to be interesting/inspirational during the month:

​Six Advantages of Living in a Studio Apartment​

It's easy to buy into the myth that bigger is better (much like more is better), but when it comes to living, occupying a small space has plenty of advantages.

This article gave me an opportunity to share the benefits I've experienced while living in a studio apartment.

Is studio living perfect? Definitely not - the article about disadvantages is on the docket!πŸ˜…

​Is There Really No Safe Amount of Drinking?​

You don't have to look beyond yourself to understand the critical role mental/physical health plays in productivity.

While sleep, diet, and exercise get a majority of the focus, alcohol use often seems to be ignored - or justified.

If you're an avid drinker (like I used to be), I encourage you to consider this article with an open mind. It's further confirmation that alcohol has a negative impact on our health and (as a result) our productivity.

Does this mean you should stop drinking altogether? Thankfully, that's not my decision to make. It does seem, however, like a great opportunity for introspection!πŸ₯‚

​A travel fee that’s going down: Price drops for TSA PreCheck​

If you've browsed the blog archives, you'll recall how much I enjoy TSA PreCheck - airport security goes from an anxiety-inducing nightmare to a minor inconvenience. Waiting in line for thirty minutes is a pleasure of the past, and you can instead use that extra time to nab a latte before your flight!

Does a $7 price drop add insane value to the service? No, but it will pay for the latte you now have time to pick up.

​The Sustainable(ish) Living Guide: Everything You Need to Know to Make Small Changes That Make a Big Difference - Jen Gale

"Sustainable(ish) consumption is essentially all about thoughtful consumption."

Although the idea of sustainable living has become easier and more popular than ever, it's still a daunting prospect.

Where do you start? How much time will it take? Will it cost significantly more money?

These are questions that have run across the announcement screen in my mind, so reading a book like this put many of those worries to rest.

Gale approaches the topic with the understanding that none of us are perfect and can get it 100% right. Rather than chase perfection, she encourages that we start with easy steps to reduce our footprint and live in a sustainable(ish) way.

Final thoughts

I can't believe this is the SIXTH newsletter I've released.😱 While it doesn't sound like a lot, I'm so happy to have been curating this content for half a year, and I'm looking forward to seeing how it continues to evolve.

Thanks to YOU for taking the time to read and participate as well!

Speaking of participation - if you ever find an article, book, creator, tool, etc. that is inspirational/interesting to you, I'd love to hear about it.

Have a lovely last day of January, and I'll catch you next month.



Heyo, I'm James!

I write about minimalism and productivity. Sign up for my newsletter below if you want to learn more!

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