Packaged Fresh & Tiny Love (#2)

Hey Reader,

How has it already been a month since my initial newsletter went out?

Apparently, it's nearly October (I tell myself while scrambling to finish this newsletter), so I'm going to use this introduction to do a quick introspective about the month. Want to join me?

How would you describe your September in three words?*

I would use the following:

  • Basics - Moving to a place with no prior connections has forced me to simplify life down to its core. No longer do I have a network of friends, places, or routines to rely upon. This has provided the opportunity to start from scratch: What habits do I want? What people bring positivity to my life? What's the unique place that I occupy in this city?
  • Compassion - While I've mostly started from scratch, the routines I've carried over (primarily writing and reading) have taken a serious hit, and it's been hard to forgive myself for the lack of productivity. My instinct is to scold myself for laziness; instead, I'm trying the route of self-compassion and learning...oh, and cutting down on the obscene amount of time I watch YouTube.
  • Adjusting - Although I feel settled in a few areas, I'm far from adjusted to my new city. Thankfully most changes have been positive, but they've all required a level of flexibility that I'm still learning to develop. I'll get there one of these days!

While you consider your three words and the lessons they bring, let's take a look at some articles, tools, and creators I found inspiring this month.

*This is not a rhetorical question - try engaging with this exercise to see what you uncover!

Three Mistakes to Avoid When Purchasing Packaged Beer

Sometimes you're running late to a friend's party and you grab the first pack of beer you lay your eyes on (we've all been there), but for the times where quality and experience matter, it's worth taking an extra few minutes to avoid common beer purchasing mistakes.

The three I cover in this post are 1) Forgetting about the date, 2) Buying warm beer, and 3) Ignoring lighting.

What mistake would you add to this list and why?

Tool: Fresh Hop Beer Finder

If you're craving delicious fresh-hop beers this fall but don't know where to look, an individual named Ryan Sharp has you covered. He's compiled a giant list (currently at 509 beers) of all the fresh hop beers being produced this season so that anyone can find them with ease!

If you check the list and notice one that's missing, let him know so it can be added. Also, if you find yourself at a bar with Ryan, make sure to buy him a beer as a thanks for this incredible service!

This Is Where You Belong: The Art and Science of Loving the Place You Live - Melody Warnick

“Our experience of the place where we live depends entirely on who we are, how we interact with it, and how we interpret what’s happening around us. We create our places every day by how we choose to view them…we must forcefully insist on seeing a place’s charms.”

Moving can be a daunting process. Packing boxes, changing utilities, planning itineraries, applying for a new loan/apartment - it all sucks, but we find a way through. We make it from point A to point B.

While we power through moving in a super-human fashion, the challenges that face us on the other side can catch us by surprise. How do I make friends here? What sort of weather patterns should I plan for? What areas should I avoid? What's my new city's personality?

The unknown can sometimes make it hard to like where you live - that's where Melody's book comes in. Written from the perspective of someone determined to enjoy their new city, she explores a variety of methods for finding one's place and growing to love an area.

Whether you've recently moved or want to engage more with your current city, this is a read worth checking out!

Creator: Never Too Small

If your journey into minimalism has taken you down a rabbit hole of tiny homes and studio apartments, there's a decent chance you've stumbled across Never Too Small's YouTube channel. If not, you're in for a treat.

Never Too Small features tiny homes and micro apartments (typically under 600 square feet) that have been intentionally and creatively designed. Each dwelling is unique and demonstrates that smart design shores up any deficiencies brought on by a lack of space. Additionally, the focus goes beyond building gorgeous apartments - it's a call toward sustainable living without compromising beauty.

The videos are inspiring, informative, aesthetic, and simple.


My goal was to publish three blog posts in addition to a timely release of this month's newsletter. Here I am with one post published (a second close behind) and a nail-biting final week of September.

Despite my own struggles this month, I'm delighted that you showed up for a(nother) newsletter!

Thanks for your time and support - I'll see you next month :)



P.S. If you want to peruse more blog posts I write, just click the button below!

Heyo, I'm James!

I write about minimalism and productivity. Sign up for my newsletter below if you want to learn more!

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desert scene

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. Hey Reader, What's one thing you're thankful for right now? Take a moment to think about it and consider writing it down.✍🏼 Whether you're having a wonderful day or it's a complete shit show, I hope you'll take this moment to embrace that feeling of gratitude. Even if it's for something small...

Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. Hey Reader, Fully transparency here. I keep re-writing this introduction, and it continues to feel mechanical and uninspired. As such, I'm going to keep it short.😌 I'm incredibly glad you're here, and I hope you find at least one of the following things inspirational/impactful as you round out...

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Some of the links in this post are affiliate links. This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission at no extra cost to you. All opinions remain my own. Hey Reader, Life is a bit chaotic at the moment, but I'm so glad to be here. I'm writing this from an apartment that is mostly full of boxes and small holes in the wall (don't tell our landlord🤫) - we're moving to a slightly larger space tomorrow (as I alluded to in last week's post), and...